Monday, February 13, 2012

mohammad teachings

Mohammed's teachings are included in what is called "Hadith." The "Hadith" is a record of Mohammed's words and deeds according to his wives, relatives, and companions.  Next to the Quran, it is the most important part of Islamic law; its teachings are just as binding.
The Hadith is recorded in many books, and by many people, not all of them are agreed upon by all Muslims. All of our quotes here are from "Sahih Al-Bukhari" which comes in nine volumes, and contains thousands of Hadiths. Al Bukhari is accepted by most Muslims as the authentic words of Mohammed. Because of the limited space, we will mention here just a few examples.
Our purpose is to give the reader a taste of the teachings of Mohammed, the prophet of Islam. Some of these teachings may shock you, and some may amuse you. Others may simply leave you mystified.

muhammad becomes a prophet

Mecca's new materialism and its traditional  disturbed Muhammad. He began making long retreats to a mountain cave outside town. There, he fasted and meditated. On one occasion, after a number of indistinct visionary experiences, Muhammad was visited by an overpowering presence and instructed to recite words of such beauty and force that he and others gradually attributed them to God. This experience shook Muhammad to the core. It was several years before he dared to talk about it outside his family.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Muhammad early life

Muhammad was born into an important family in the city of Mecca around 570.As a child he traveled with his uncle's caravan.Once he was grown, he managed a caravan business owned by a wealthy women named Khadijah.At age 25 Muhammad married Khadijah.As Muhammad was growing up, many rich merchants began to ignore the needy. Concerned about these changes, Muhammad often went to the hills to pray and meditate. Muslims believe that god had spoken to Muhammad through the angel and had made him a prophet.